Decisions, decisions, decisions


No matter if they're as simple as "What should I wear today?" or more complex like 
"Should we buy a new car?"
decisions are made every single day.
Today, I want to share, with you, a decision that demands a lot of thinking, researching, discussing and planning...

"Which university should I apply to?"

Yes, in a year I'll have to apply to universities and yes... I'm already stressing (a bit) about it. 

I enjoy the idea of going to college, being more independent and all the stuff that come along with it. But, at the same time, I'm not sure about anything especially when the question "which university?" pops in my head.

 I'm sure that I want to study something to do with fashion!
  I love writing and communication so I have been wondering if Fashion Journalism wouldn't be the perfect thing for me.

The question is where should I go to study Fashion journalism? 

Big cities like London, Paris, Milan or New York are the right places to go because fashion industry is massive in those places but all of them are expensive cities and university fees...  well let's say they aren't bon marchéas we'd say in French . Same goes to Nordic countries.

Anyway, the only thing I'm sure of is that I want to study and work, even if Mum & Dad don't like the idea, because I don't them to pay for everything!

I feel like screaming now but I know that when the moment to choose will come, I'll be ready. And the truth is that I can't wait for that moment! 

What about you? Are you applying or have you already enrolled in a university? How did you make your decision? Let me know!


P.S: please, notice that any pictures posted aren't mine. I googled them!

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