Novidades: parte 1


Pois é, parece que está mesmo a acontecer...

O Jardin Secret é a partir de hoje um blog bilíngue!

Sim, perceberam bem... Vou passar a escrever no blog em duas línguas diferentes: o Português e o Inglês.

O Inglês foi a minha primeira escolha, não porque não gosto da lingua Portuguesa (para mim será sempre a mais bonita de todas!) mas porque a língua de Shakespeare é a língua mais comum neste mundo chamado blogosfera.

Quando comecei a escrever no Jardin Secret, senti que me faltava algo. Faltava-me o facto de poder escrever na minha língua materna. Faltavam-me as nossas típicas expressões. Expressões essas que são impossíveis de reproduzir em qualquer outra língua.

Além disso, muitos do meus amigos e familiares em Portugal, queixavam-se que nem sempre liam o blog porque era difícil para eles o fazerem em Inglês. Senti que lhes devia isto, a eles e à minha casa, o meu cantinho na Europa. 

Como é óbvio, o trabalho vai ser a dobrar mas quem corre por gosto não cansa! 

Quero muito que este bébé cresça e sinto que este é o primeiro passo em direção a algo melhor.

Àqueles que já liam o blog obrigado pelo vosso apoio.
Aos novos leitores, sejam bem vindos.
Espero que se divertiam tanto quanto eu nesta viagem maravilhosa pela blogosfera!

Com muito amor,

P.S: nenhum dos posts antigos será traduzido visto que já são mais de 20 e alguns deles são bastante extensos. Obrigada por compreenderem!

News: 1 of 2


The time has come and it is finally happening:

Jardin Secret is now a bilingual blog!

Yes, you got it right! I'll start posting in two different languages: English and Portuguese. 

English was my first choice because, as we all know, Shakespeare's language is the most common language around here.

When I first started this blog, I knew something was missing. 
I missed writing in my mother tongue. I felt the need to use "our" expressions (idiomatic expressions they are called). You know, those expressions that make every language unique!

Also, some of my friends and family members would talk to me and confess they didn't read my posts because they were written in English. So, I feel like I owe them this. I definitely want them to read it and understand everything I write here.

Sure! I'll have much more work now but writing is my passion and it's a pleasure to do so in my two favourite languages.

I want this little baby to grow up and I feel like this is the very first step for something better and bigger!

Thank you for all the support!
 I hope we can keep walking side by side and enjoy this amazing journey around the blogosphere.


Clarisonic - yes or no?


Hello sunshines!

In exactly 13 days I'll be 20 years old and with it I noticed how badly I have been treating my skin.
Besides a "not always healthy" diet, I actually have never had a skin routine to which I'd stick to. 
I do use a moisturiser and sometimes it comes that I exfoliate my face but nothing more. 
I reckon I've been waiting for it just to be ok as time goes by. 
But guess what... It doesn't.

That's why I have been thinking about getting a Clarisonic Cleansing System.

Clarisonic is an America based company known for their skin care products, which have won beauty awards such as Allure - Best of Beauty or InStyle - Best Beauty Buys.

There are 4 Cleansing Systems beiMia 2, Aria and PLUS

Each one of these has its own functions (you can learn more about it here) and of course prices variate from one to another.

There are different cleansers and brushes that can we can buy depending on what our skin needs or its type.

I'm still trying to figure out which one I should get, being Aria and PLUS my favourites.
(I have to confess that PLUS is tempting since it can be used for the body too!)

What do you think? Have you ever tried Clarisonic products? Which ones? Please, let me know your opinion on this!
