Just a little bit of motivation


Salut mes amoooooooours!

Everyone has bad days. 
Yes, those days that make you think "I should have stayed in bed all day!". 
I am no exception. I am doing my best to become a more positive person but sometimes it's not possible.

Last week wasn't very easy and with a new week kicking off in a few hours,
I felt the need to share a small motivational post with you!

So mes fleurs... 
stay positive, smile a lot.
Make the difference and never give up on what you want.
Everything is possible!

Remember to be awesome!


New year doesn't mean a totally new "me"!


Bonsoir mes amours!

Before starting this post let me wish you 

a very happy 2015!

or how I would say in French
 Une très bonne année 2015! 

You all know what comes along with a fresh new year ... 

Yes, new year's resolution!

I have decided what mine would be not on the 1st, not the 2nd but on the 11th day of the year and decided I wanted to share it with you.

So... Here we go:

1. Look after myself

Since I can remember I love helping those who are around me... what makes me forget about myself sometimes. 
It doesn't mean I will become a really bad person and stop worrying about others. 
It means I'll worry about myself a bit more. 
I will think a bit more about making myself happy as well as doing others. 

2. Take care of my mind and body

This is the year! 
This will be the year I will become a healthier person.
This is the year I will get the body shape I want.
This is the year I will learn to stay calm and zen.
Yes, this the year I will change my lifestyle!

3. Travelling, travelling and more travelling

I want to travel more, much more and get to know the amazing world we live in.
It doesn't mean I'll travel around the entire world but I definitely want to go to amazing places which are incredibly close to me yet... I still haven't visited them.

4. Time to be organised

This is the year I will become much more organised.
I have to!
 I have to create my own schedules to study, to sleep and to eat!
I know it sounds pretty creepy but it'll help me to make nr. 2 come true.

5. Make my dreams come true

Hopefully, some of my dreams will come true this year. 
Not because of a miracle but because of hard working!

6. Be positive

Do I need to explain this one? 
I don't think so.

7. Stay true to myself

This one is the most linked to the post title.
Even if I want to change my lifestyle and the way I see the world, it doesn't mean I'll change completely.
I'll be the same girl in general, just little things will change.

8. Be happy

Like in resolution number 5, being happy doesn't depend on a miracle but on ourselves!
Surround myself with people I love and love me and do my best to accomplish this list will totally make me a happy girl. 
I don't need much to be the happy girl I want to be!

Much love,