Sometimes, things don't go the way you want them to...


Hello beauties!
You probably don’t trust me anymore because well... I promised to do my best to update every week and I didn't keep my promise. I’m really sorry for it but these past weeks haven’t been easy at all.

 At first, I had to stop my dance classes because it was just too much with school. I had no time to study or relax. Since the beginning I had told myself I’d be capable to do it. And I actually managed to do everything for years, but now, it’s just too much.  You’re probably wondering what it has to do with me not posting anything. Well, I've been dancing since I was a little girl and it was (and still being!) one of my passions, and it was so hard to say goodbye to my friends, teachers and in a certain way dance itself.
I know I can always dance at home or at school but it isn't the same. I miss the dance studio, the mirrors and the way the music was around me. Anyway, it had been a really hard time for me, but it was a decision that I had to take. 
The second reason why I haven’t posted lately is because school takes a big part of my time and when I’m free, I’m either sleeping or spending time with my family and friends.

I’m really sorry for not keeping my promise. There are no excuses because a promise is always a promise.

Much much love,