What about your skin?


Summer is almost here and everyone is going crazy about getting their bikini body ready.

But what about your skin? Is it ready for summer time?

If you haven't thought about it, it's the right time to do so.

Here you have 5 steps to go in the right direction:

1. Drink water 

H2O should be your best friend, specially during summer. 
Water is a natural detoxifier and will help you flush impurities out of your body. Besides keeping you hydrated, it "moisturises" your skin and gives you that flawless look you have been looking for.

2.Eat fruits & vegetables

Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants which give you a full, bright and tight skin. 

3. Exfoliate

find a nice exfoliant and make magic happen. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells which gives you a clearer and smoother skin (and that nice glow we all dream about!)

4. Hydrate

 Get that awesome mask you have been thinking about and allow yourself a few minutes of pleasure while taking care of your skin. (1-2x/week)

5. Sunscreen

 this is probably the most important step. Apply and reapply every single day! SPF 15 is the minimum factor to protect you from UVA and UVB rays.

It's very important to take care of your skin no matter which year season it is.
Keep in mind that sun can be dangerous so you must protect yourself. 
A beautifully tanned skin doesn't have to mean put yourself in danger.

Now, enjoy your hot, sunny days and make lots of new memories!


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