Do you know those resolutions' list we all make with our objectives for the New Year? What happened was something like that.
When I left the teens, to enter the (twent)ties, to have a healthier lifestyle became one of my life resolutions.
So, one day I woke up and thought:
"This is it! Today is the day!"
And it was.
Don't you think it was a quick change. No, no, no.
It was a slow process. It still is.
After all, radical changes never end well for me.
I took my time but it was worth it!
I became more aware of the quantities I eat, the quality of my food and the times I eat.
This eventually led to weight loss (that I actually needed!) but also to a healthier skin and hair.
It may seem weird but it even affected my mood!
The next step was working out.
I spent weeks telling myself that I had to do it; I had to move more.
After hours sitting in class, working out would only be beneficial for my body and mind.
To tell you the truth... it became a (good!) addiction; one of those that is worth to invest in.
If you think I stopped here... I did not!
We all know the old proverb "a sound mind in a sound body".
This is why I also changed other aspects of my life that didn't seem that important before.
For example, I try to have a good night's sleep and be well organised. All this to avoid being stressed and in a bad mood.
I also started tohave a "myself time" every day.
With a nice music playing in the background and a cup of tea, for a few minutes, it's just me, my thoughts and reflections
I believe that we all need and deserve our "selfish" moment. We all need a moment to distance from everything, to think about everything we did and be thankful.
All this blablabla is to remind you that small changes can make big differences.
After a year, I regret nothing about the choices I did.
I see the differences, I see the benefits and that make me want to keep going.
To be happy with yourself is to be well with others.
And you? Have you ever reconsidered your lifestyle?
With love,